Tag Archives: spring

It felt like spring today

13 May

The sun was shining.

I went for a jog.

I had grapefruit for breakfast.

Had my first asparagus of the year.

And went for a picnic in our local park.


Have you all had a good weekend?

I’m back

30 Mar

Fresh off the plane from my long visit.  Well maybe not too fresh.  I was sooo happy to see the daffodils are still about and just couldn’t help getting a photo while walking through the park on the way home from the airport, despite being laden with all my bags.

What a great thing to arrive home to Spring. I can’t help but suggest that going away for the “worst” two months of winter and returning to flowers is really a good idea.  And what an even lovelier surprise to come home and find these on my bedside table along with a lovely card from my Mr.

A couple more holiday posts to follow.  If you haven’t seen on my photo blog, there are some photos I took of the one wedding I attended.  As a bridesmaid at the second wedding I didn’t really have a chance for too many photos.