Summer dreaming

18 May

It has been a bit grey in London the last few days but these gorgeous photos from the Hound 2011 lookbook (found via DesignLoveFest) have me dreaming of a summer house in America somewhere.  Those quintessential ones on a lake with a little jetty and a porch swing.  Somewhere I could read a book while drinking homemade lemonade.  Don’t you just love the colours?

Alternatively I would be happy to have a summer house in Sweden.  From what I understand a lot of families have small summer houses out of the city.  They are generally small and rustic but I would be more than happy to send some of my summer in this one

via lener leben

Check out Hilda Grahnat’s summer house too here and here.

3 Responses to “Summer dreaming”

  1. siobhan 19 May 2011 at 6:08 am #

    A summer house outside the city would be so wonderful! i’d happily spend my day in this cute little house.

  2. Elizabeth@rosalilium 19 May 2011 at 9:48 am #

    Oh how I’d love to have a small rustic summer house to hide away in!

  3. Catherine 20 May 2011 at 9:09 pm #

    i want to live in that little cottage! xo

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