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Keep in touch

7 Jun


Incase you aren’t aware I have moved my “operation” over to a new blog.  There are still a few tweeks to be made but I am really proud of what is going on over there.

Also if you want to follow my new blog you can find me here:


Google Reader

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Twitter @my_cre8ive


Or you can pop your email into the subscription box on my blog page you can get emails direct to your inbox.

I would love if you would follow me.

I’m moving

1 Jun

You might have noticed that I have been slightly erratic with my blogging here for the last little while (or not).  This is because I have been working on a new site focused on my photography. It isn’t quite finished yet (I’ve just badly prettified a template while my developer is finishing some bits off) but patience has never been my strongest virtue.  The reason I am sending you there before it is perfecto is because of something that I think is exciting.

So head on over.


26 May

Posts might be a bit scarce this week as my computer charger died. I might try and be a bit more active on Instagram in the meantime.

I see people doing such awesome things. It shows you really don’t need expensive equipment to take a good photograph.

My username is michelleripple if you want to follow me.  Also what programme do you use to follow people on the web as there seem so many packages? Let me know what your name is so I can follow you!

Have a good weekend.

The last week or so

13 Dec

Despite my good intentions I have found it very hard to get motivated to do amazingly constructive things in the weeks between my courses.  By amazingly constructive I mean, of course, actually writing my assignments.  I have, however been

1. Crocheting a bunch of snoods for a craft sale my friend was having at work (plus a few others for secret santa gifts (shhh, I won’t tell if you don’t)

2. Eating lots of food – over the weekend we had two Christmas parties with friends.  We have another this weekend.  My hopes of losing a couple pounds before heading home in February are looking … slim.

3. Having an amazing, if I don’t mind saying so myself, ‘sale’ with my new photography adventure: a pay me what you can sale. Details over here.

4. Attending the Blogger party hosted by Lauren of Aspiring Kennedy and Helena from a Diary of Lovely.  Thanks ladies!  I also met some great new bloggers: Ele, Grace, Rachel and Amber, as well as some other lovelies.  If anyone else remembers meeting me say hi, I unfortunately didn’t catch everyone’s name!  It is always great getting out and meeting some new people.